Thursday, September 3, 2020

Speech: Universal Health Care :: Papers Argumentative Medicine Essays

Discourse: Universal Health Care Subject: Universal Health Care Universally useful: To convince. Explicit Purpose: To Persuade my crowd that the United States needs to embrace general social insurance. Focal Idea: Americans current human services framework is defective and should be changed to Universal Health Care for all residents. Presentation I. Have you at any point abandoned medical coverage between occupations, or while working low maintenance or in light of the fact that you just couldn?t bear the cost of it? No having health care coverage is a major hazard in a period where clinical expenses are out of this world, Prescription medication costs are over the top and when your paying your family specialist $50 for an office visit. Fifty dollars speaks to an entire 8 hours of work for some Americans. A. Human services change is required in America. Administration for pay clinical treatment leaves uninsured residents abandoning medicinal services, or truly paying off debtors. B. Today I need to disclose to you why receiving general social insurance is the response to the subject of medicinal services change. II. I have had many negative experiences with the social insurance framework. A. At one time as a result of being low maintenance understudy and representative, I was unable to get protection however my folks, my work, or my school. I was not qualified for Medicaid, and found the expense of private protection was totally out of my financial plan. 1. This was a terrible mix-up. I was brought into the world with neutropenia, a blood sickness that influences the resistant framework I become ill effectively, and my body makes some hard memories warding off any contaminations and attempting to remain sound without protection before long got outlandish B. Suddenly I ended up in genuine obligation from missing work, doctor?s office visits, and paying over the top medicine costs. I am as yet taking care of off clinical tabs for lab work, and different tests and crisis room visits. III. Today I need to examine the reasons why our present medicinal services framework is insufficient, the advantages of changing to all inclusive human services, and we will likewise take a gander at Hawaii?

Saturday, August 22, 2020

A literature review on Capital Investment Decisions Essay

A writing audit on Capital Investment Decisions - Essay Example Some accomplished financial specialists feel that while settling on speculations choices it is imperative to have an individual inclusion as opposed to conceding a dealer. The Global Investment Institute [2007] sees that depending on specialists will need consideration towards the record area, which appears to help a ton in expanding the profits of ventures. Notwithstanding that it says, â€Å"You need to get comfortable with each stock you have in your portfolio so you can settle on choices all alone for the time being, while as yet depending upon your budgetary counselor to structure your portfolio with a blend of the correct instruments (stocks, securities, currency showcase, and so on.) to assist you with bringing in cash in the long run† [2007]. Venture dynamic isn't a simple activity, as the individuals engaged with dynamic procedure need to ascertain the past pay explanations of the organization or business is expansion to assessing all the records report and measurable subtleties of the benefit and loss of the organization. Capital ventures choices must be readied depending on the profits and examining whether the speculation would be gainful. Be that as it may, they are seen as helpful as far as â€Å"formulating long haul goals†, â€Å"recognition of measurably subordinate proposals†, â€Å"estimation and estimating of present and future money flows† and so forth watches [ 2007] notwithstanding this starts the monetary assessment of the speculation proposition as another significant part of venture dynamic. The venture choices likewise must be considered so as to settle on the choice in a gainful manner. The speculation examination assumes a significant job as a prudent advance in dynamic as there gives off an impression of being dangers in returns, which would be going about as a significant downside in the money related states of a business or an organization. There are cases of wrong dynamic in which there may be either absence of composed

Friday, August 21, 2020

A Library Outside the Traditional Library System Article

A Library Outside the Traditional Library System - Article Example I was stuck in my examination mission. I didn't have a clue what to do. My cousin had restricted involvement in the online library himself. We communicate something specific through the framework as a request to the administrator about how to continue. The bookkeeper replied in under 48 hours. The tips I got from the custodian on the best way to discover the data I was looking for were valuable. Remote access is the capacity to enter or sign into a system from a remote area (Webopedia, 2007). School ought to give this kind of administration to its understudy body. Remote access has a lot of utilizations for understudies selected at the k-12 level. Educators can make research centers in their homerooms is which all the understudies can sign into a system to appreciate some kind of instructive experience. The educator itself doesn't need to be available during the meeting since remote access permits instructors to screen the framework from an outside area. Understudy realizing that the instructor can screen their PC exercises; since each activity get signed into the framework will act well and become familiar with the estimation of duty and discretion. Remote access can likewise give benefits to the k-12 understudies, for example, the capacity to enter the school library or electronic assets to discover data after school that can assist them with their task from their homes. As a piece of group answerable for dealing with a school library media framework in the progress procedure of making a site and electronic assets there would be a lot of things that must be taken a shot at, yet the top need would be on instructing the personnel and instructors on the framework. A school with advancements lacks in its library framework has an incredible chance of having these kinds of inadequacies thought the school. I would set up quick obligatory courses for the instructors to get them up to information on the National Educational Technology Standards.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

SAT Video Commonly Confused Words

So the SAT will forever be done away with vocabulary come Mar. 2016, right? Well, not exactly. Sure, the ten-dollar words you can impress your grandma with will have been consigned to the dustbin of SAT has-beens (move over â€Å"analogies† and make some room). However, the SAT writing section will still test vocabulary in context, though this vocabulary will fall into a special category: commonly confused words. In English, words either sound or look very similar and so we are likely to confuse them. The SAT writing passage might decide to slip the incorrect word in there, because this word sounds very similar to the correct word. Your job is to know the difference. The question type isn’t super common, though you’ll probably see it once per section (that’s 44 questions). Below are a few commonly confused words that it’s important to be able to tell apart. Accept – to receive He accepted the job in New Jersey. Except – not including I’m going to do all the chores except vacuuming the floor. Precede – to come before The reading section on the New SAT will precede the math sections. Proceed – to move forward Before we can proceed with the investigation, we’ll need to determine who the suspects are. Allusion – a reference, usually to literature or something learned By calling them â€Å"two star-crossed lovers† he made an allusion to Romeo Juliet. Illusion – something that exists only in the mind My crazy Uncle Jack was under the illusion that he was the mayor of Cleveland, even though he lived in California and had never even been to Ohio. Allude (v.) – basically the verb form of allusion, allude means to refer to something The professor alluded to Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, though his audience—mostly stay-at-home moms—had no idea what he was talking about. Elude (v.) – to avoid capture The fugitive could no longer elude police and had to give in. Discrete – broken into distinct groups Major League baseball is broken into discrete leagues, and only within the last couple decades or so has there been interleague play outside of the championship game. Discreet – careful to avoid drawing unnecessary attention The spy chose a discreet outfit that matched that of the locals of the country she hoped to glean intelligence on.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Same Sex Marriage - 4140 Words

WHY GAY MARRIAGE IS WRONG Advocates of homosexual practice often argue that â€Å"gay marriage,† or at least homosexual civil unions, will reduce promiscuity and promote fidelity among homosexual persons. Such an argument overlooks two key points. â€Å"Gay Marriage† as a Contradiction in Terms First, legal and ecclesiastical embrace of homosexual unions is more likely to undermine the institution of marriage and produce other negative effects than it is to make fidelity and longevity the norm for homosexual unions. We will come back to this later. Second, and even more importantly, homosexual unions are not wrong primarily because of their disproportionately high incidence of promiscuity (especially among males) and†¦show more content†¦Rather, they must come to terms with their essential masculinity. Scripture, Creation, and a Two-Sexes Prerequisite The New Testament recognizes the importance of the Genesis creation stories for establishing a â€Å"two-sexes† or â€Å"other-sex† prerequisite for marriage. St. Paul clearly understood same-sex intercourse as an affront to the Creator’s stamp on gender in Genesis 1-2. In his letter to the Romans, Paul cites two prime examples of humans suppressing the truth about God evident in creation/nature: idolatry and same-sex intercourse (1:18-27). Paul talks first about humans exchanging the Creator for worship of idols made â€Å"in the likeness of the image of a perishable human and of birds and animals and reptiles† (1:23); then about â€Å"females [who] exchanged the natural use† and â€Å"males leaving behind the natural use of the female† to have intercourse with other â€Å"males† (1:26-27). This obviously echoes Genesis 1:26-27: â€Å"Let us make a human according to our image and . . . likeness; and let them rule over the . . . birds . . . cattle . . . and . . . reptiles. And God created the human in his image, . . . male and female he created them.† Taken together, we have not only eight points of correspondence between Gen 1:26-27 and Rom 1:23, 26-27 but also a threefold sequential agreement: A. God’s likeness and image in humans B. Dominion over the animal kingdom C. Male-female differentiation It would be fair to say that if there is no intertextualShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage And Marriage948 Words   |  4 PagesSame-sex marriage and same-sex parenting are comparatively new controversial topics in today’s world and its â€Å"mainstream† morality. I was not exposed to any homosexual â€Å"lifestyle† while growing up. I know that I am strongly traditional in my theological views, nevertheless, I vigorously believe that traditional marriage and parenting are devotional commitments between a man and a woman. Therefore, same-sex marriage and parenting are to me, issues of a society with strong traditional cultural identitiesRead MoreSame Sex Marriage754 Words   |  4 Pages 11/8/06 Argument Essay Same-Sex Marriage: Not a Match for Society Marriage, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is â€Å"the legal relationship into which a man and a woman enter with purpose of making a home and raising a family† (358).Although most people in the United States, including myself, agree on that definition, there are a select few who do not. Some feel same-sex marriage should be legalized; I disagree! I disagree because of its effects on children, its unnaturalness, and its religious immoralityRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1418 Words   |  6 PagesGay Couples Should Have the Same Rights As Married Couples Professor PHI 210 June 6, 2013 Same-sex marriage is a topic that has become increasingly more debatable throughout time. America has been said to be the â€Å"land of the free,† but when it comes to homosexual couples, it is far from that. If same-sex marriage was legalized, many positive outcomes could emerge from it; the society would be closer to equality, adoption would increase, gained social support for families would developRead Moreno to same-sex marriage!894 Words   |  4 Pageseverything builds up. I Corinthians 10:23 Against Same Sex Marriage - The Six Point Case Each of these six points against same sex marriage will be explained in detail in the following articles. Click on each link for more explanation. Natural marriage is the foundation of a civilized society. Homosexual behavior is inherently destructive. The law is a great teacher, and it encourages or discourages behavior. Government-backed same-sex marriage would encourage and normalize homosexual behaviorRead MoreSame-Sex Marriage 962 Words   |  4 Pagescaucasian because of laws passing interracial marriages around the 20th century due to Loving V. Virginia (Melina Patria). By the 1960s, the women’s rights movement was in full motion switching male and female roles drastically(Human right’s watch). The home may have no longer been spacious and big with the stock market crash of 1929(First Member Century). Its 2013 and there may be another possible alteration; same sex marriage. Even though same sex marriage may be a sensitive issue with people, as aRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1152 Words   |  5 PagesBiological Sex-Marriage: â€Å"An Alteration to Humanity† Submitted by: Ellicia Jiona Candelaria Submitted to: Mrs. Joan Bataclan ABSTRACT Biological Sex-Marriage: â€Å"An Alteration to Humanity† This study describes the advantages and also the disadvantages of couples of the same sex being married. It aims to explore how it affects the society and most importantly the church. Same-sex marriage, popularly known as gay marriage, is a socially or legally reorganized wedlock between two persons of similarRead MoreSame Sex Marriage884 Words   |  4 PagesSame Sex Marriage Is the definition of marriage being threatened in the United States? President Bill Clinton signed the federal Defense of Marriage Act into law on September 21, 1996. This Act defined marriage at the federal level as between a man and a woman. The federal DOMA statute ensured that no state would be forced to recognize gay marriages performed in other states and prevented same-sex couples from receiving federal protections and benefits given to married heterosexual couples. OnRead MoreSame Sex Marriage990 Words   |  4 PagesSupporters of gay marriage argue around the concept of equality in America. Our country is said to be found on the principle that all men are created equal, so that make it hypocritical to deny the rights of homosexuals, as it was hypocritical to deny freedom to African Americans or to prohibit women s suffrage. Supporters also believe that Gays should be allows the same benefits as regular married couples. For instance, only through marriage do same sex couple s have the rights to their partnerRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1120 Words   |  5 PagesSame sex marriage has been a topic on the rise throughout the U.S. It is what some of us may consider one of the more important topics of discussion for this time period. So far 17 states out of 50 have declared same sex marriage legal (States, 2013). Same sex marriage should be legal throughout the U.S. because same sex couples have a civil right to get married, along with a right to have access to the same benefits as heterosexual couples, and to be treated as equals without fear of discriminationRead MoreSame-sex Marriage604 Words   |  2 Pages in the media, same sex marriage has been widely discussed and debated. Some feel it should be legalized, while others believe that it is a sin and should remain illegal. Their are many pros and cons on both sides of this argument, however there are main points leading to why gay marriage should be legal. Legalizing gay marriage will not harm heterosexual marriages or family values, and society will continue to function normally. This is a true statement, because when two people get

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Joy Luck Club - 2008 Words

Nicholas Petrignani The Joy Luck Club Amy Tans novel The Joy Luck Club is a story of a monthly mah-jong gathering whose members consists of four Chinese mothers with American-born daughters. The novel is narrated by the four mothers and their daughters. At these meetings, the mothers share their concern of the growing rift between their daughters and Chinese customs. Each mother shares her story of her life in China and each daughter tells her story about her life in America. In The Joy Luck Club, the consistent conflict is formulated from the cultural and ideological clash between the mothers and daughters. Tensions arise out of the struggle to adapt to the American way of life when old customs are expected to be honored.†¦show more content†¦The Joy Luck Club mothers can feel their daughter’s impression on them when they see their daughters growing impatient every time they speak Chinese; they think their daughters perceive them as being stupid because of their incapability of speaking fluent English. The language barrier that existed between them was such that both mother and daughter imperfectly translated each other words and meanings. The mothers attempted to communicate by taking classes, hand gestures and sometimes even asking their daughter to translate on their behalf. Lena St. Clairs mother has trouble expressing herself in English. She married an English speaking man, but he expected her to learn English, while he himself put no effort in learning Chinese. In her desperate attempt, she would use hand gestures and expressed her emotions through exerting them. Most of the time the husband would not understand her and would assume what she would say but the daughter was capable of translating but could not speak the language. Because of this, Lena defines her mother as a ``displaced person`` who has difficulties expressing herself in English. In this dilemma the mothers were not capable of teaching their daughters why ``Chinese thinking is best``. Stress and frustration would accumulate from the misunderstanding and failure of understanding one another. The mother always expected the daughter to know what she was trying to get across but the mothers could not putShow MoreRelatedSummary Of The Joy Luck Club 853 Words   |  4 PagesExam Projec t Process Check #1 Book: The Joy Luck Club Author: Amy Tan By: Bala Sundaram Themes: A) The Joy luck Club presents a couple of themes but one of which, relates to an issue that is affecting many immigrant families who bring up their kids in foreign countries. In forwards, the difficulty in speaking and translating another language.The mothers and daughters in the book have difficulty in communicating their ideas and feelings with one another.The problems associated with communicatingRead MoreJoy Luck Club Essay1722 Words   |  7 PagesIn the novel, Joy Luck Club, we see Waverly Jong and June Woo’s competitiveness when Waverly becomes a child chess prodigy and June struggles to master the piano. This rivalry reflects how success and worth are depicted in this novel. A mother’s success would be encouraging or coercing their child to master a particular hobby and to improve constantly. A daughter’s worth would be determined by the daughter’s talents, and whether or not the daughter brings a good reputation for the family. We canRead MoreT he Joy Luck Club Characterization1301 Words   |  6 Pages Characterization is a widely-used literary tool in Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club. Specifically, each mother and daughter is a round character that undergoes change throughout the novel. Characterization is important in the novel because it directly supports the central theme of the mother-daughter relationship, which was relevant in Tan’s life. Tan grew up with an immigrant mother, and Tan expresses the difficulties in communication and culture in the stories in her book. All mothers in the book areRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Joy Luck Club 937 Words   |  4 Pagesup together. Towards the end of the novel, a gathered opinion can be made on the three characters true to all the viewpoints. The Joy Luck Club is a movie, based off a novel written by Amy Tan, displaying the struggles of a group of Chinese women and their daughters. The women grew like a family when they moved from China to San Francisco. The woman in the joy luck club all experienced rape, domestic violence or being abandoned by their family early in adulthood. Christina, Ida and Suyuan all liveRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club Is The Power Of Storytelling1054 Words   |  5 PagesA recurring theme in The Joy Luck Club is the power of storytelling. Throughout the book, stories are used as a way to socialize, teach lessons and warn about dangers. The article â€Å"The Psychological Power of Storytelling† by Pamela B. Rutledge explains how stories are a form of communication. Rutledge says, â€Å"Stories have always been a primal form of communication.† From cavemen drawing pictures of stories on walls, to bedtime stories being read to children, sharing experiences through storiesRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Joy Luck Club 1700 Words   |  7 PagesChurchill English 2 Honors, Period 0 6 September 2015 Reconciliation Swan feathers. Hopes and dreams. Broken relationships and healing. Though these concepts might initially appear incongruous, they are all depicted in the book The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan and The Joy Luck Club film directed by Wayne Wang. Both modes of interpretation show how the mothers help their daughters solve their problems by explaining the formers’ pasts. However, while the book leaves each of the daughters’ stories open endedRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club : Breaking Barriers1075 Words   |  5 PagesGrace Pating Mr. Devine English 203H 8 September 2015 The Joy Luck Club: Breaking Barriers When people struggle to communicate with one another or disagree, the usual response is to ask questions and make an effort to fix the issue. Unfortunately, owning up to responsibility can be much more difficult when the argument is with a close friend or family member. Coming from two time periods, this is a prevalent issue for the women of the Woo family, especially since both individuals are intolerablyRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan841 Words   |  3 PagesIn the Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan, tells stories of four Chinese mothers and four Chinese-American daughters and their mother-daughter relationship. The four mothers met in a San Francisco church in 1949. Suyuan Woo, founder of the Joy Luck Club, convinced the other mothers An-Mei Hsu, Lindo Jong, and Yingying St. Clair to join the club. The club would meet every week at one of the mother’s house where they eat food, play mahjong, and brag about their daughters. The Chinese-American daughters tellRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan963 Words   |  4 PagesThe novel The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan shows the past and present experiences of several women including An-mei Hsu, the mother of Rose Hsu Jordan. Beginning at a young age, An-mei has to endure many situations. Her grandmother tells her that her mother is a ghost but she comes back to take care of her grandmother when she is ill. Due to the absence of her mother during her childhood years, she tries to be there for Rose as much as possible but is pushed away. An-mei believes she has nengkin, theRead MoreThe Joy Luck Club And Bartleby The Scrivener1376 Words   |  6 Pagesare to my life. Likewise, I can readily appreciate a story and its contents when I can mature as a reader alongside the development of the story’s main characters, the protagonist especially. For this reason, I was enthralled with Amy Tan’s ‘The Joy Luck Club’ and Herman Melville’s ‘Bartleby, the Scrivener,’ as I resonate d well with its main characters; just as the characters gradually developed in their respective stories, I found that I, too, developed by applying the story s main motifs to my life

Manic Depression Essay Example For Students

Manic Depression Essay Estimates say that about 2 and a half million Americans suffer from manic depressive illness. Also called bipolar disorder, this mental illness involves episodes in which a persons mood alternates between extreme mania and depression. A person may experience pressure and racing thoughts and speech, and often uncontrolled reckless behavior. Two thirds of those who suffer from bipolar illness have numerous episodes of recurrences of alternating phases. Most people suffering from manic depressive illness experience extreme cases of up and Dow emotion. Studies say manic depression is one of the most understudied psychiatric illnesses. Bipolar disorder is much less common than depression. atleast 8 percent of people experience depression within their lives. bipolar disorder affects men and women almost equally, and is most common amongst upper economic classes. 15 percent of people with bipolar disorder commit suicide. research shows that highly creative people such as artists, composers , writers, and poets, show usually high rates of bipolar disorder. Their periods of mania is said to fuel their creativity. Bipolar disorder usually begins in a persons late teens early twenties. Men usually experience mania as the first mood episode, where as women usually experience epression first. episodes of mania and depression usually last from several weeks to several months. In most cases swings between mania and depression occur within days. In other cases a person may experience major depression and minor mania. Mania and depression may also follow patterns of seasons. Mania in the winter and fall and depression in summer and spring. People suffering from bipolar disorder feel indifferent to work and have no desire to do anything constructive. They think slow, concentrate poorly, feel tired, and experience changes, usually an increase in appetite and sleep. They ften feel a sense of worthlessness and helplessness. In some cases a person may feel pessimistic about the future and may attempt suicide. a patient may all experience delusions and hallucinations. In the manic phase people feel intensely and inappropriately happy, self important and irritable. During this state a person becomes highly energized and sleeps less, talking in rapid fire speech often going off in all directions. They have inflated confidence and unfounded self esteem. Mania makes a person abrasive, impatient, frustrated, and even physically abusive. They behave in socially inappropriate ways, they hink irrationally, and show impaired judgment. Certain things may happen thats out of their normal character like taking plane trips all over the country or making large investments. Excessive gambling , buying very expensive items, abusing alcohol or drugs, and making unwanted sexual advances. Causes of manic depression seem to be rooted in the genes. Studies used on identical twin show that if one twin has bipolar disorder its a 70% chance the other will have it too. With fraternal twins its only a 15% chance that the other will have bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder seems to run in families. Personal or work related stress can trigger a manic episode. Other factors such as prenatal development, childhood experiences, and social conditions can play a huge role. Some people enjoy the sensations and energies that accompany manic episodes. It is proven that very mild cases of manic depression can actually attribute to success in business and arts. A person may experience episodes of over confidence which may result in unfortunate consequences because of a bad business venture. The milder, chronic form of bipolar illness is called cyclothymic disorder. This form alternates between mild epression and mild mania. When someone is in the in the stage of a euphoric episode, their behavior may seem a bit odd, or in some cases completely bizarre. They may become involved in such goal-oriented activities such as sex,work, school, or social relations. .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 , .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .postImageUrl , .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 , .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770:hover , .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770:visited , .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770:active { border:0!important; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770:active , .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770 .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud2c049e9e41493183543d6dd882fd770:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Triple E Senate Of Canada EssayThe person may also get involved in unprotected or indiscreet sexual situations. To detect manic depressive disorder doctors look for alternating periods of manic systems, loud racing speech that is hard to interpret and follow, attention that shifts from one focus to another, inability to complete task before going on to another, a tendency to ace, going on from one conversation to another,poor judgment and unwarranted optimism, and tendencies towards anger outburst. At this time there is no cure for bipolar disorder but there are drugs that can bring manic depression under control. Lithium a natural salt evens out the highs and lows of the mood disorder. It reduces the frequency and severity of the manic episodes. lithium requires monitoring because sometimes the medication does not effectively work on the patient. potential side effects are hand tremors ,increased thurst, the need to urinate frequently, acne, and weight gain. Many atients feel the need to discontinue the use of the medication when they start to feel better. Studies say there is a 90% percent chance that symptoms will reoccur 1 year after discontinuation of use of the drug. Bipolar illness not only effects victim but those close to the victim. Therapy is often recommended for family members and friends because the diease is so hard to live with. Therapy can help the person and family members detect early signs of a relapse. manic episodes can be embarrassing, disruptive and sometimes dangerous so family members are earged to study and learn the signs of on coming relapses. Hospitalization may be necessary from time to time, specifically when manic symptoms become extreme or dangerous. xperts say causes can be fights between spouses or loss of sleep. A patient most likely will still suffer from some symptoms even if they follow the exact order of medicine. This illness has no cure. Doctors also have not figured out what causes bipolar disorder. Allot of patients find comfort in talking to other patients about their illness. This allows the patients to find a common bond with another person. Giving the patient the comfort of knowing someone else is going through the same thing if not worse. ospitals offer many support groups for manic depressive people. Stress is said to be the biggest cause of mania and depression occurances. Therapy is supposed to reduce a persons feeling of stress. Manic depression research as come a long way since it was first discovered. It still remains though one of the most understudied psychiatric disorders. Millions of people a year suffer from this diease. It can result in suicide, drug abuse, and unprotected sex. This illness deserves more attention then it is receiving. I feel we as a nation should address the on going rise of suicides as a cause of one form or another of manic depression.