Monday, December 30, 2019

Sony vs Toshiba - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 612 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/09/18 Category Technology Essay Type Compare and contrast essay Did you like this example? Closing Case Chapter 7 1. Why did both Sony and Toshiba perceive it to be so important to get an early lead in sales? Based on past format wars, the trend had been â€Å"winner takes all. † With that in mind, Sony and Toshiba attempted to get as many early adopters as possible and secure early sales so that more people would recognize and buy their particular format over the other in the future. Whichever company achieved the quickest jump start would see an accelerated demand for its format and hopefully lockout its competition, even though that did not end up being the case for the Sony and Toshiba format wars. 2. What strategies and assets enabled Sony to win the format war? Sony successfully executed many of the strategies that are needed to win the format war. They beat Toshiba to owning Columbia Pictures, MGM, Disney and Fox Studios, while Toshiba only ended up with Universal Studios committed to HD DVD. Sony continued to implement strategies that would hel p them sustain the competitive advantage over Sony. They then introduced Blu-Ray to its gaming consoles and laptops. To further increase the supply of Blu-Rays, Sony licensed the format to other consumer electronics firms. By licensing their product to others, it made the Blu-Ray player more available to customers, thus causing companies to make more products in their format. 3. What might Toshiba have done that might have led to a different outcome? If Toshiba would have been more proactive in attempts to line up film studios to commit to issuing discs for HD DVD and licensed their format at to other electronics firms, they could have seen just as much success as Sony. They limited the sales of the format by preventing it from being easily accessible to customers. Or Toshiba could have done extensive RD to come out with a gaming console, or other type of electronic device that could be compatible with the HD DVD graphics instead of battling Sony directly in acquiring studio film s. . The companies that developed first generation DVD technology decided not to compete on technology, instead harmonizing their technology under the auspices of the DVD Forum. Why do you think they chose a different approach this time around? By allowing the DVD Forum to do the actual leg work of developing the technology of the companies’ product it may mean better quality and less chance of technology defect/failure, but it also means payments of royalties. These royalties to the DVD Forum in turn, lower profit margin. By choosing the approach of keeping the creation of the Blu-ray and HD DVD player internal, each company can reap 100% of the revenue. Also, the shift from VHS to DVD was a technological paradigm shift, whereas the shift from DVD to ultimately an improved DVD player is only a technological improvement. There is much more risk involved in a paradigm shift, because little is known about the new technology trying to be implemented and there is no past histo ry or past knowledge to rely on. However, this time around each company probably felt much more confident in the amount of knowledge they had in the DVD technology field, so decided to save the money that would paid to the DVD forum and create the technology themselves. 5. What are the risks associated with fighting a format war like this? The risks of fighting a format war are that there is little to no compromising with the competitor. It is very difficult for both competitors to win. Fighting a format war also entails making very risky decisions, and beating the competitor to it. One missed opportunity could ultimately be the downfall of your product. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Sony vs Toshiba" essay for you Create order

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Theories in Second Language Acquisition by James P....

Introduction Acquiring second language has its impact on the social and cultural knowledge. One of the theories that concern with that knowledge is the sociocultural theory that was originated by the Russian psychologist L. S. Vygotsky. The theory explains how individual mental functioning is related to cultural, institutional, and historical context. SCT has three main areas. These are: interaction, ZPD, and scaffolding. Summary In chapter (11) of James P. Lantolf and Steven L. Thorne’s book â€Å"Theories in second language acquisition† they expounded sociocultural theory in depth. It starts with a brief introduction about the theory then some detailed information. SCT focuses on how language(s) learned through mediated process on human†¦show more content†¦Private speech regulates second language learners, and in social communication this speech become meaningful through mental activity mediation. Another core concept of SCT is internalization, which is the relationship of the individual social environment and the actual performs in future activities. The key to internalization for Vygotsky resides in imitation, which does not just refer to physical behavior but also includes symbolic mediation. It relies on our ability to understand the intentional acts. It also has an important part in acquiring the language. Response As an English student who is yet in the process of learning about language acquisition, I found Lantolf and Thorne writing is hard to perceive. It needs a pre-understanding of the topic and its aspects, and a deep look into it to attain a great reading and compose a proper response paper. Firstly when I saw the article I saw a block of words. They were overlapped, which makes the reader-like my self- less interested in reading. After I read it thoroughly. It starts to make sense, but the information that I have about the topic from what I had been learning in the class was quite different. It is more complicated and profound, and the written examples were more misleading. Also I found some points that are not important which could be the reason why I felt bored. Finally, my response to Lantolf and Thorne article is not negative at all but I think my level of understanding is not completed and not as

Friday, December 13, 2019

Metaltom Free Essays

English Lit Act 3 Questions 1) Giles Corey is expelled from the court because he won’t tell the court the name of his informant which is also why Daneforth won’t hear his evidence. He was arrested because of contempt the court. 2) Marry Warren is in court because she was charged with witchcraft and she tells Daneforth that Abigail is lying but he is suspicious of her because it’s her word against the other girls and he thinks she could be possessed by the devil. We will write a custom essay sample on Metaltom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Proctor reminds her of the Angel Raphael because he took her in and tries to save her from Abigail and the other girls. ) Parris nullifies proctors testament by pointing out that if Mary could pretend to faint before she should be able to faint now but since marry couldn’t faint then and there she couldn’t have faked it before. 4) The professed purpose of the court is to deal Justice but the court becomes very unjust because it doesn’t even need witnesses. It doesn’t need witnesses because of the idea that a Witch can unconsciously call forth her spirit to harm someone. 5) Proctor confesses lechery because it would portray Abigail as a harlot and he believes that Daneforth and Hathorne will know that he wouldn’t ruin his good name. Daneforth and Hathorne don’t believe him though because it’s his word against Abigails. 6) Elizabeth tells the court that she didn’t throw out Abigail for a harlot but she only says this because she doesn’t want to ruin Proctors name but this is an unfair test because it’s a natural lie to tell. 7) Abigail turns the court against Marry Warren by mimicking all that Mary says as to make it look like her Phantom is controlling them and then Abigail and the other girls all pretend to run away in fear from Marry Warrens Phantom. 8) Hale denounces the proceedings because he believes them to be unjust and that there are no witches in Salem. How to cite Metaltom, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Replacement Darling Harbour Bridge Project -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Replacement Darling Harbour Bridge Project? Answer: Introduction The statement of work is a structured document that gives an insight of the details and scope of the work that is needed to be completed within the specific project. This formal document is needed to be agreed upon all the parties involved in the project. An effective Statement of Work document should contain every minute details of the project so that the different parties involved have a clear idea of the type of work required, duration of the work and the project deliverables. The statement of work document generally contains a brief description of the project and involves a request for proposal as well. This document should be routinely employees in the implementation of project management as it contains the definition of the project specific activities, the project deliverables and project timeline along with the project schedule. Project Background The project deals with the work of Darling Harbor Swing Bridge replacement. This project involves the superstructure replacement of the bridge along with the swing span replacement, substructure modification. Other works of the project includes a complete mechanical and electrical overhaul, operator house replacement and fender system replacement. The project has been designed in order to minimize the impact or effect on public. Therefore, it is decided that the works related to the superstructure and swing span replacement is to be completed within the 10-day period during which the bridge will remain closed for the public. The construction work for the project is decided to be start on 11 September 2017 and completed within 5th December 2017. The budget set for the entire project is AUD 31,474,000. Tenders for the project have been invited, which is needed to be submitted in person to Samira Alvandi. A proper project management plan is developed for this project along with the plan for quality assurance and safety management standards. The contract type chosen for this project is a fixed type contract with a bid built method of delivery. The project is expected to be completed within the set schedule and allocated budget. Scope of Work The scope of work for renovation of the bridge includes the planning and execution of the project according to the set plan. A group f architect appointed for the project will be responsible for designing the structure of the construct ion work and a detailed overview of the part of the bridge that needs immediate attention. Each part of the planning phase will however require approval from the project owner before moving on to the subsequent stages. The contractor hired for the project is responsible for ensuring the presence of adequate resources for redesigning, building and stress tensing. The implementation phases of the project include the replacement of the superstructure of the swing bridge, replacement of the swing plan along with the modifications of the substructure. This requires a planned approach as all the works in the project should be completed within the 10-day bridge closure period. Other construction works in the project includes complete mechanical and electrical overhaul, replacement of the operator house and fender system replacement. The major deliverables associated with the project is the replacement of superstructure and the swing span. This is a major deliverable because it is set to be completed within a very constricted time of 10 days. The project should be completed within the set budget of AUD 31,474,000 with the start date of construction work is scheduled to 11 September 2017 and the project completion date is set to 5 December 2017. Period of Performance The project of Darling Harbour Swing Bridge Replacement Project is implied for the development of the effective flow of operations and its significant development of the bridge in the span of project duration. The operations of the project would be carry on from Monday 11th September, 2017 to 5th December, 2017. Work Requirements The project of Darling Harbour Swing Bridge Replacement Project would consist of using the waterfall methodology for the development of the construction project. The project of construction of the activities of bridge redevelopment would involve the use of the effective and improved operations. The project operations would be divided into four phases namely Project Planning, Project Initiation, Project Construction, and Project Closure. The planning phase consists of development of project plan, resource development plan, financial plan development, quality analysis and strategy, communication plan development, and procurement plan development. The Project Initiation Phase includes Buisness case development, Feasibility Analysis and Study, Project Charter Documentation, and Project team is build up. The Project Construction Phase comprises of "Superstructure Replacement of the Darling Harbour Swing Bridge", "Swing Span Replacement of Darling Harbour Swing Bridge", "Substructure Modif ication of Darling Harbour Swing Bridge", "Mechanical Overhaul is formed for Darling Harbour Swing Bridge", "Electrical Overhaul is formed for Darling Harbour Swing Bridge", "Operator House replacement for Darling Harbour Swing Bridge", and "Fender System Replacement of Darling Harbour Swing Bridge". The Project Closure Phase includes the Project Progress is Reviewed, Final Documentation of the project, and Stakeholders Sign off the project final report. The project requirements consist of some resources that would be implied for the development of the effective processing and analysis. The project of Darling Harbour Swing Bridge Replacement would have to endure the development of the effective and smart analysis of the project integration management. The development of the project operations would be helpful for the integration of the profound knowledge development. The acceptance of the project would be based on the following factors, Project Initial Requirements and Resources are gathered Project would be completed in the estimated time schedule Operations of the project would be completed in the estimated cost budget Government Approval of the construction Activities WHS health and Safety Policies for construction is implied Fire Safety Measures are used Project Gantt Chart Quality assurance for any project is necessary for maintaining a desirable quality of a product. This requires through attention to every stage and processes from the project initiation phase to the project completion phase. The construction work related to the repair an renovation of the Darling Harbor Swing bridge is a highly optimized process involving different disciplines and different participants as well. The quality assurance standards thus undertaken in this project eliminates the cause of unsatisfying performance in the project implementation. A contract document is developed as a guideline of quality control. This document indicates that any construction work in the bridge will be considered acceptable under the applicable regulatory codes and standards of professional practice, only if it is reliable enough and the ease with which the maintenance works can be managed. The different tools and technology involved with the maintenance of the quality standard includes regular inspection of the works, control charts and statistical sampling. These tools help in improvement of the quality of the works and in decision acceptance as well. Evaluation of the project performance in regular basis helps in providing the confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards and therefore this is one of the major requirements in maintaining a standard quality of the project. Furthermore, monitoring of the quality assurance program is necessary for ensuring a proper result. This further requires a development of quality management plan that should be followed throughout the project implementation phase. Quality audit is another major criteria required for safeguarding the assured quality of the project is scheduled to be completed in a constricted time of 10 days. Furthermore, in order to assure a good quality project, determining and inspecting the quality of the building materials such as cement, sand, steel and aggregate concrete is essential. The moisture content in the specific part of the bridge is to be measured and dealt accordingly. The tensile strength of the steel and compressive strength of the bricks is needed to be inspected in order to deliver a good quality product and project. The different steps involved in quality assurance are listed below- 1) The materials testing are to be done prior to the beginning of the construction 2) The contractor is responsible for obtaining the samples of the materials designated as the proposed source of the materials 3) Contractor is responsible for sending the test samples in the testing laboratory for determining the acceptance criteria of the material under testing 4) The CQAO is responsible for inspecting the materials being used periodically 5) The project manager is responsible for supervision of the entire project work and should make sure that the project undergoes every phases of the project management. Safety Standards are designed in order to ensure the safety of the products activities and the processes involved in the project management life cycle. Every worker and employees associated with this project should abide by the safety standards of the project. The safety policy is designed to comply with the occupational safety and health administration, with an aim of maintaining a safe workplace. Workers are requires to familiarize themselves with all the potential hazards in the construction site and should not work in the areas where the protection system have not been installed. The project owner should also ensure fall protection systems to protect the workers working in the site and prevent them from walking on unprotected edges. Hard hats are mandatory to be worn while working on site. Furthermore, it is mandatory for the workers to wear sturdy and non-skid work boots while working on the bridge. For this, workers should be trained enough to recognize the hazards of falling a nd should know the procedure of minimizing the hazards and preventing the falls. The workers should be further provided with an eye and face protection to the workers and the safety standard designed should meet the standards of ANSI Z87.1-2010. Workers should be trained to operate the aerial lift in the workspace. Procurement Strategy Procurement strategy is a planned approach of delivering a successful product. It deals with the acquisition of materials, supplies and services that a company need to operate successfully. The type of contract chosen for a project depends on many factors, which includes type of the building project and goals and objective of the project. The contract type chosen for this renovation project is a fixed price contract. This contract type is chosen for this project because the total budget of the project is already fixed to AUD 31, 474,000 with a a fixed schedule. Furthermore, the superstructure and swing span replacement of the bridge is needed to be completed within the 10-day bridge closure period to minimize the impact of construction on public. Therefore, it is beneficial to consider a fixed project contract for this construction work. In a fixed type contract, the owner and the contractor before the initiation of the construction or project work agree a single price for all work. This assures the completion of the project within athe ste time as this type of contract includes incentives fir early completion of the project and in similar ways, the liquidated damages or penalties for the late completion. Therefore, it becomes responsibility of the contractor to complete the work within the set time. Since the amount is already paid at the beginning of the project initiation, it becomes the responsibility of the contractor to complete the work within the set schedule. There is however, certain risk associated with the builder or the contractor if he fails to bid an appropriate cost of the project. This risk can however be mitigated in this case as the budget of the project is already set for this project as well as the project schedule. Fixed contract is ideal for the projects, which have a clear project scope and defined construction schedule. There is limited flexibility in modifying and designing the project works once the project has been initiated. Since t he scope, schedule and budget of the project is clear, it is beneficial for the project owner to consider a fixed type contract. The major drawback related to the fixed type contract is that there is less transparency in the breakdown of costs and the profit margin of the builder. The major advantage of a fixed type contract is that it is normally not subjected to any sort of adjustments unless the provision for the same is included in the agreement. It provides the assurance of a task or project completion within a set budget and therefore fixed contract is set for this renovation project. Furthermore, it places a minimum administrative burden on the different contracting parties but is subjected to maximum risk in case of cost escalation. The method of delivery chosen for this project is design bid build method. This includes designing of the project by a team of architects hired for this project. The contractor appointed for the project along with the project manager is responsible for completion of the project. In this mode of delivery, the designing and construction phases of a project are clear and distinct and the entire planning of the project is generally completed before the initiation of the project. The major advantage of the project is that, the project scope is well understood and there are less chance of the misunderstandings in the project. The delivery method associated with a fixed time contract is design bid build delivery and therefore, this method of delivery is recommended for the project. References, (2017). Seven Quality Tools | ASQ Toronto Section 402. Retrieved 9 September 2017, from Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques.New Jersey, USA. Chartier, L. B., Cheng, A. 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