Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Media on Gender Essay

Media is a reflection of the attitudes on gender that the society exhibits and at the same time it plays a role in â€Å"determining and teaching gender behavior†. It is the role of the media to gather information and articulate it to society; this is the media’s job (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). If he/she sees that the society from a certain geographic location accepts gays and lesbians then this is what it will report (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). He or she may articulate what he or she witnessed through technologies including â€Å"radio, newspaper, television, and internet† and if he or she shares such information utilizing the last three aforementioned wherein in photos and videos may be attached as well then all the more that it clearly illustrates how the society reacts about gender issues (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). Meanwhile, it also plays a role in â€Å"determining and teaching gender behavior† because the people who get to watch what he or she articulated through several technologies will interpret it (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). This interpretation now will depend upon how the media presented the information (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). Was there bias on the presentation of facts? Were the two sides shown to the people? Is there a conflict of interest? All the answers to these questions will contribute largely since the society now will conclude based on that alone (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). Very clearly, the media is a reflection of the attitudes on gender that the society exhibits and at the same time it plays a great role in â€Å"determining and teaching gender behavior† because it’s their primary job to gather and share information and because they also have weaknesses in presenting the facts they gathered (Hubpages Inc. n. p. ). Work Cited Hubpages Inc. Mass Media Influence on Society. 2008. n. a. 23 November 2008. http://hubpages. com/hub/Mass-Media-Influence-on-Society

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