Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Writing Style of Scarlet Letter Essay Example

Writing Style of Scarlet Letter Paper Adultery, betrayal, promiscuity, subterfuge, and intrigue, all of which would make an excellent coming attraction on the Hollywood scene and probably a pretty good book. Add Puritan ideals and writing styles, making it long, drawn out, tedious, wearisome, sleep-inducing, insipidly asinine, and the end result is The Scarlet Letter. Despite all these things it is considered a classic and was The Scarlet Letter is a wonderful and not so traditional example of the good versus evil theme. What makes this a unique instance of good versus evil is that either side could be considered either one. Hester could very easily have been deduced as evil, or the bad guy, as she was by the townspeople. That is, she was convicted of adultery, a horrible sin of the time, but maybe not even seen as criminal today. As for punishment, a sentence to wear a scarlet A upon her chest, it would hardly be considered a burden or extreme sentence in the present day. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing Style of Scarlet Letter specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Writing Style of Scarlet Letter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Writing Style of Scarlet Letter specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Or Hester can be seen as rebelling against a society where she was forced into a loveless marriage and hence she would be the good guy, or girl, as the case may be. Also the townspeople, the magistrates, and Chillingworth, Hesters true husband, can be seen in both lights. Either they can be perceived as just upholding the law -she committed a crime, they enforce the law. On the other hand are they going to extreme measures such as wanting to take Pearl, Hesters daughter, away just because Hester has deviated from the norm, all to enforce an unjust law that does not. Although the subjects of the novel do apply to important issues in history and could have had influences on the time period, they were not great.

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